Sell Skins
Karambit | Doppler image

Karambit | Doppler

Markets Battle-Scarred Well-Worn Field-Tested Minimal Wear Factory New
$ 1499.99 $ 1484.69
$ 1300.00 $ 1300.00
$ 5831.87 $ 8300.00
Markets Battle-Scarred ST Well-Worn ST Field-Tested ST Minimal Wear ST Factory New ST
$ 6315.72

CS2 fans often choose a knife as a melee weapon because with its help they can eliminate an enemy with a single strike. The main thing is to deliver it in the back. If you also tend to choose Karambit regularly, then take into account the possibility of changing its design. For this purpose, unique skins are used, which have been specially created to diversify the visuals in the game. One of the suggestions is Karambit Doppler. This item is offered in several designs, so choose your favorite.


Karambit Phase finish varieties were added to the game on January 8, 2015. Karambit is available in several colors, which affect not only the design but also the price. The skin was introduced at the same time as the Full Spectrum update, and can be found in the following cases:

When it comes to the Karambit Doppler price, it depends on the phase and exterior. In fact, the price is quite high, which is reflected below. You are offered:

Popularity and Rarity

This skin is quite popular among fans of the shooter. However, some gamers cannot afford its high cost. If we consider the phases, then Phase 2 is much more popular compared to the rest.

The item’s rarity category is Covert. It doesn’t drop out often, which should be taken into account when opening cases. As a rule, you have a chance of 0.26%. Of course, it is very small. But with certain luck, you can get the original skin when opening your first case.

Pattern Description

The design of the skin depends on the variety you choose. All options have metallic paint on the blade. There is also a pattern of translucent lines. The design resembles puffs of smoke. Only the transition colors differ. The main ones are:

  1. Phase 1—pink, dark blue, and purple.
  2. Phase 2—pink and purple.
  3. Phase 3—blue, green, brown, and black tones.
  4. Karambit Black Pearl—blue, purple, and magenta.
  5. Karambit Sapphire—shades of blue.
  6. Karambit Ruby—shades of red.

The choice depends on the color schemes you prefer.

Effect of Float

The Float Value varies in the range of 0.00–0.08. This means that the skin is available in two exteriors: Factory New and Battle Scarred. In the former, the skin is perfect. There are no signs of wear and tear. In the second case, there are scuffs at the base of the blade, as well as on its edges and ring. The skin looks much worse but it has a certain advantage. For example, it will be clear to enemies that you spend a lot of time in battles. Accordingly, they need to be wary of an experienced opponent.