PUBG Hot News: March 2018 in Review
Table of Contents
The game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has had quite a busy start to the spring. The developers have published the Roadmap for the rest of 2018, started the new Event Mode, implemented many interesting updates, and celebrated the first anniversary of their project on Steam.
The most significant PUBG news from March 2018 is described in this post on the Skins.Cash blog.
The Roadmap
Revealing plans for the year in spring may seem strange – but PUBG Corporation has reasons for this. The developers were busy fighting against cheaters in the game, so had no time for anything else. The steps taken were effective, the Roadmap has been revealed, and now we know what to expect from PUBG this year.
Cosmetic improvements. The developers are going to make PUBG even more realistic and beautiful. This is a long process, and we’ll see buildings and landscapes change step by step.
- Emote system. Later this year, a virtual PUBG character will be able to exhibit a variety of emotions. What will you show to your teammates after a nice shot? How will you greet opponents before boarding the plane?
- New vehicles and weapons. Players will have new cars to drive around the locations and more guns to kill virtual guys with. All of these changes are super exciting – we expect to see lots of gamers searching for new items to try them out inpractice.
- New maps in the standard format 8×8, and in the smaller 4×4 km. We’ll have a new place to prove our skills and just to enjoy Battle Royale matches.
- Some new additional features, such as friend list, voice chat for playing in the squad, achievements in the game.
- Adjustments to some aspects of gameplay: sounds of vehicles, bullet penetration, the parachute system, etc.

Welcome to Event Mode!
Starting from March 2018, PUBG becomes a place for regular special events. They will propose some unique conditions for the matches. Such events will last just for a few days. Examples of past events::
- Flare Gun – a three-day event with special guns hidden in small huts. Players could collect them and shoot in the air to call for an airplane and to get a crate of super useful things. Matches happened on the Miramar map.
- Tequila Sunrise – squad battles on the Miramar map with constant sunrise. Only melee weapons and shotguns were available. The event lasted for three days.

One year on Steam
On March 27, 2017, PUBG entered the Early Access program on Steam. Since then, it has become the most played game on this platform and has received general acclaim. The developers have made a gift for players as an act of celebration – an untradeable and unbroken skin: Year One – SCAR-L.
Everyone who logs in to their PUBG account before May 1 gets this cosmetic item. It’s a good start to a PUBG skins collection.

PGL-PUBG Spring Invitational 2018
The tournament, with a prize pool of $100,000, took place in Bucharest, Romania. There were 11 invited and 5 qualified teams. Ghost Gaming won and got $50,000. The second team was Grubie ($20,000). FaZe Clan took third place ($9,000), and Team Kinguin came fourth ($5,000).

The next significant PUBG tournament happens on April 20–22, 2018: Global Loot League Season 1.
The formation of PUBG Esports teams
Team Gates has bought a PUBG roster of the team Ignite: iMossy, Lightshow, Mortify, and Cillo.
Furia Esports has got a new player: Hiago “hiagguin” Hubner.
Team Secret has signed a roster: Américo “PAPAYA” Quintero, Vladimir “Smitty” Venegas, Sebastian “Fiend” Molina, and Mario “NPX” Tapia.
Sebastian “BALLOC” Berendt and Mathias “Turtle” Nielsen have become players of the team Ghost Gaming.
Team EnVyUs has signed a new player – Kaisuko.
Read the Skins.Cash blog to be informed of all the significant PUBG news! Follow us on social networks to see all our new posts.
Have a look at the “Survival Guide for Beginners in PUBG” to develop your playing skills in this mega-popular Battle Royale.