CS:GO Map Callouts – What Is It
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Counter Strike: Global Offensive is one of the most popular multiplayer games in the world. Millions of users run the shooter every day to achieve real success. If we talk about the professional scene, the players have access to about 10 maps, where they have to fight in 5*5 mode. To better understand your colleagues, you need to use CSGO callouts. Globally speaking, it is a list of points on the map. With the help of acronyms user can quickly convey to teammates information about the tactics chosen by the enemy, and where he is at a certain time.
What will a player who actively uses callouts in his game get as a result? For example:
- A better understanding of the map. Even professional teams have profile maps, and there are those locations where they rarely fight the opponent. This is due to the fact that it will take a lot of free time to perfectly understand the specifics of a particular map.
- Ability to interact productively with their teammates. Literally in a few seconds a person can quickly explain the location of the enemy on the ground.
- There is a chance to prepare a variety of tactics. For example, using grenades on a particular point, which will later be used by the team to attack.
- It is possible not only to play, but also to watch the matches of professional teams live, using the platform Twitch and other resources. If you can competently study all available positions, you can quickly perceive the thoughts and reactions of the commentators on the actions of certain teams.
In general, CSGO map callouts speak of the user’s understanding of the internal processes on the server, the actions of his teammates and opponents.
Positions on the Mirage Map

As practice shows, Mirage continues to be the most popular map among matchmaking enthusiasts, or FaceIt account holders. Tens of thousands of games are launched on this location every day. Many users can even pass all the positions on the map with their eyes closed, as they improve their skill and understanding of the processes that take place inside on a daily basis. Mirage Callouts are worth including:
- A Default – the ideal position for laying a bomb on site A, closed from the hits of the opponents;
- Middle – the main battle zone, where the defender mostly occupies the window and the terrorists prefer the crates; it is necessary to use grenades to be successful;
- Palace – the position before the exit to the A, it is most often used by the representatives of the attacking side to kill the enemy sniper;
- Tetris – if the terrorists planted a bomb at the A site, they use this place to meet the enemy, because the defense representative will have a hard time knocking the enemy out of there;
- Firebox – it is often used by counter-terrorists to receive the attacking party, as they have the ability to climb the box so they can see the enemy better;
- Ticket Booth – used by snipers to track enemy actions on the pit;
- Car – a position on Site A, necessary for controlling the suites.
There are many training videos related to callouts on Mirage in the public domain, and so it’s worth checking them out.
What You Need to Know About the Map Inferno

This is another iconic location that is available to users in the Counter Strike mappool. It first appeared in the new version in 2013. Inferno Callouts should include the following positions:
B Site – one of the points where an attacker can plant a bomb; Banan – a long alleyway, which gives access to the B Site; Underground – a small area where the user can move underground; Bench – the area used by the defense to control point A and attack through the center; Apartmnents – an area near Site A that both sides use for maneuvers; Pit – a position used to defend Point A, ideal for controlling Apartments; Graveyard – another position from which a spot to lay a bomb opens up perfectly; Church – a point that is located with Site B.
Many professional players claim that this location is one of the most difficult.
Train – the Favorite Map of Millions of Users

Relatively recently this location was removed from the official map list. What does this mean? Now on the professional stage, teams can not choose it, as it was replaced by Ancient. However, the number of fans is still amazing. Train Callouts are worth including:
- B Halls, a place where terrorists prepare a surprise attack on one of the locations to plant a bomb;
- Spools – one of the best places to defend and control the point;
- CT Spawn – a place where the defense starts every round, ideal for maneuvers after laying a bomb at A Site;
- Headshot – A point where the player’s head is visible when crouching.
Many players are confident that Train will eventually return as an official map, and therefore continue to actively train it.
Street Adventures on the Overpass Map

Players were immediately attracted to the visual component of this location. This is to be expected, because unlike most maps, players have access to urban terrain here. Users have access to a large number of Overpass Callouts, which will give more opportunities for success:
- Lower Tunnels – A place where the defensive and offensive sides very much clash, more often than not teams send their best shooter there;
- Party – The center of the map, where you can see signs of celebration, such as balloons;
- Restroom – one of the closest positions to Site A, if looking for alternatives with other locations, it’s Short;
- Monster – the approach to the B bomb site, so called because of the graffiti that is painted on the pipe;
- Pillar – a long vertical pipe, which is used to protect the captive from the attacker;
- Storage – the space behind the bank.
As practice shows, players are completely satisfied with the quality of the location, and therefore it is unlikely to be replaced by another.
What the Player Has Prepared the Map Nuke

Perhaps Nuke is the most exclusive map in the official Counter Strike: Global Offensive map. The fact is that here contains two levels at once: the top and bottom. Therefore, you can play both above and below the ground. Nuke Callouts should include:
- Heaven – a point that can be accessed by stairs, it offers a great view of Site A;
- Hell – the area that is below Heaven;
- Window – an area located near Site B;
- Dark is a great place for terrorists after planting a bomb at Site B, rarely checked by the defense side.
As with the Overpass map, the developers never considered removing this map from the official map pool.
What the Legendary Dust 2 Map Has to Offer Players

Perhaps more popular map than Dust 2 in the history of the Counter Strike franchise has not been. Of course, players during the battles at this location have come up with many Dust 2 callouts, namely:
- Short – one approach to point A;
- Long – longer, but also less risky option to pass to the A point;
- Middle – this is the space where most often the team sniper battles take place, the position has become less popular after the last update;
- A Ninja – one of the best positions to protect the bomb on point A.
Almost every item on this map has its own designation among the players.
How Players Prepare for Battle on Vertigo

This is perhaps the most controversial map of the entire mappool. Some players are real fans of the location, while others recommend removing it from the selection for professional teams. Here, similar to other maps, there’s Short, Middle, Long etc. In some ways it is similar to Nuke, as all battles are on multiple levels. Therefore, Vertigo Callouts is a bit different from the other locations.
Ancient is the True Successor to the Legendary Dust 2

The latest map to appear on the official list of locations for the professional scene is Ancient. It attracts players by the fact that it is made in bright colors with the advantage of green. Many streamers and other fans of Counter Strike think about what to call CSGO Ancient Callouts. However, the classic names in the list of items are present
Does Anyone Know About Cache and Cobblestone Callouts

These maps were very popular after the release of the new version of Counter Strike. It is not surprising, because interesting locations allowed to diversify the gameplay by choosing the best tactics. For example, Cache Callouts contained information related to the approaches to the two captives, as well as the optimal points to defend (Squeaky, Headshot, B Main Boxes etc.). This location is directly dedicated to Chernobyl and the nuclear power plant, which is located in Ukraine, known for the tragedy of 1986.
Cobblestone is another iconic map from the original version of the game. The action takes place in France. Back in the early stages of the introduction of the location into the mappool by players, many Cobblestone Callouts were added. To date, they are almost unchanged (Fountain, Rock, Sky, etc.).
Are There Official Player Positions on the Office Map

Some active users do not like the mode with the laying of the bomb. An alternative option for them is the Office location. Here, players need to rescue four hostages that are in different locations. The peculiarity of this mode is that it is the terrorists who have the nominal advantage. Office callouts are also related to the direction of the attack: Middle, Short, Long etc.