What You Need to Know About Train Callouts
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CS:GO Train is a legendary location in the Counter-Strike universe that has been present from the first versions. For a long time in Global Offensive it was in the official map pool, and therefore was actively used by professional teams. Subsequently, the developers decided to replace it with Ancient. Despite such decisions, players continue to play on this map in Matchmaking, as well as on the FACEIT platform. Moreover, more and more users are expressing their desire to return it to official status. Accordingly, newcomers need to learn CS:GO Train callouts to continue to evolve with the inner universe. Going back to the name, you can understand that trains play a central role here. They are on both points to lay the bomb. Many gamers really like this location, except for the portrait of the dictator Lenin on T Spawn.
The Train callout map is an opportunity to experience the classics of the legendary game while having fun in the process. Also, if you want to motivate yourself to show the maximum level of the game, you can buy in-game items. They are available for all kinds of weapons, from pistols to AWP sniper rifles. The cost of skins can vary greatly, ranging from a few cents to tens of thousands of dollars. These can be both flashy and sophisticated designs to suit all tastes. If the item bores the player, you can sell CS:GO skins through the Steam trading platform, or using third-party resources. Trading cannot create a fully-fledged income, but if you do not need the item anymore, selling it seems to be the best solution.

The Names of the Main Positions on the Train Map
Train CS:GO has been available to the user since the official release of the game. Since then it has not changed much, and therefore the names of the positions remained the same. The main points that all players should be aware of are:
- CT Spawn, T Spawn. These are the areas from which players start all rounds in competitive mode. If CT Spawn can later be actively used to move, the Terrorist base is more isolated. In general, these CS:GO Train callouts are identical to the names on the other locations, so there should be no problem remembering them.
- A Site, B Site. These are the two points for the Terrorists to plant the bomb. The defending side, on the other hand, should prevent the enemy from doing so.
- Sidewalk. This is one of the options to get to B Site. Most often, it is used by the player who is planning to meet his opponent first. Calling similar Train callouts to your teammates, you let the team know exactly how the opponent is moving on the map.
- Connector. This is a transition that is adjacent to Sidewalk. You can use it to get from B Site to A Site in a few seconds. It’s extremely important when you have a few seconds left to detonate a bomb.
- B Ramp. In fact, this is the area that continues the Sidewalk. Once you pass it, you end up inside a building, not in a train depot.
- Catwalk. Parallel to the Sidewalk, allowing you to get to the exit of the open space into the building.
- B Halls. One of the key CS:GO Train callouts. If the Terrorists get here unimpeded, you’ll have a much better chance of capturing the point.
- Pop Dog. This is the descent of the stairs, after which the player finds himself in close proximity to A Site. Here all he has to do is to allocate his forces wisely. Such de_train callouts are a place for highlights, because the gamer can kill several enemies coming down from the top level at a time.
- Showers. Already from the name it is clear that this is a place with showers. It’s not the main point on the map, but you shouldn’t forget about it. For example, if a player is left alone on the map, it is likely that he will be hiding here. Among the Overpass Callouts such a place is the connector.
- T Stairs, Kitchen. These are the places that connect Showers and T Spawn. They are also not very important for gameplay, as murders occur here very rarely. Speaking of CS:GO Train callouts 2022, not all users know such names.
- Alley and Pigeons. These are the places that the user must traverse from T Spawn to get to A Site.
- A Main. Perhaps this is the favorite place for Terrorists. You will hear such Train CS:GO callouts from teammates, as the attacking side will try to occupy the area in order to break through to A Site afterwards.
- Blue, Green, Red. These are the colors of the trains located at A Site. They are specially colored to make it easier for the players to communicate with each other.
- Olof. These Train map callouts are named after a professional player and are located behind the Blue train.
- Heaven. Elevation, which allows defensive players to fight back against Terrorists.
CS Train continues to be actively used by gamers for ranked games. This is not surprising, as dozens of strategies and hundreds of position names have been invented over the years.

Is It Worth Actively Playing on the Train Map?
CS:GO Train is quite an interesting design and successful location of zones that allow you to adapt to any style of opponent. At the same time, you have to make your own decision whether you are ready to consider a location that is not relevant to the professional market. All the new Train callouts added recently will help you show a high level of play and dominate the map.
Practice skills, including those related to position names, should be given a few hours a week. If at first this will not bring results, then later it will allow you to show everything you are capable of. Some of the titles here are similar to the conditional Inferno Callouts, or other cards available in the map pool.
Only time will tell if the developers are ready to bring CS:GO Train back on a permanent basis, or should we expect an updated Tuscan?