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Clearing Noxious Fumes in BG3 Overgrown Tunnel

Clearing Noxious Fumes in BG3 Overgrown Tunnel

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Aunties are typically associated with fun times and cool vibes, but Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3 breaks that mold spectacularly. She’s not just grumpy or mean – she’s a full-blown hag, in the most literal sense. As you embark on your quest to rescue Mayrina from this wicked witch’s clutches, you’ll face numerous challenges. One of the most daunting obstacles in your path is a sinister cloud of noxious fumes that lurks in the Overgrown Tunnel. woman-with-wavy-hair-wearing-a-green-dress-in BG3..jpg

These fumes aren’t just unpleasant – they’re downright deadly. Lingering too long in this toxic miasma will spell doom for your party. But fear not, intrepid adventurer! There are several ways to overcome this gaseous menace, and you won’t even need to rely on a successful Perception check to do so.

How to clear the Noxious Fumes in the Overgrown Tunnel in BG3

character-card-showing-widow-levels-and-other-stats-for-shadowheart-in-bg3.jpg To vanquish the Noxious Fumes in the treacherous Overgrown Tunnel, your first move should be to take control of the character in your party with the highest Perception skill. Perception, as seasoned gamers know, is tied to the Wisdom attribute.

In the diverse world of Baldur’s Gate 3, certain classes naturally excel in Wisdom-based skills. Rangers, with their keen senses honed by years in the wilderness, Druids, attuned to the subtle rhythms of nature, and Clerics, their minds sharpened by divine insight, are all prime candidates for this task. These classes use Wisdom as their primary spellcasting attribute, which often translates to a higher Perception skill.

In my playthrough, I opted to use Shadowheart for this challenge. As a Cleric, her Wisdom score is impressive, and consequently, her Perception skill is quite formidable. But don’t worry if you don’t have Shadowheart in your party – any character with a decent Wisdom score can potentially succeed.

As your chosen character approaches the ominous cloud of fumes, the game will automatically trigger a Perception check. This is where things get interesting. If lady luck smiles upon you and you pass the check, your character’s keen senses will detect something crucial – a vent.

This vent is the source of the noxious fumes, and blocking it is key to clearing the area. But how do you block it? The answer lies in the environment around you. Look for stones dropped by Thralls, or any other small objects littering the area – skulls, books, or even discarded weapons can work. Your task is simple: grab one of these objects and toss it onto the vent.

The effect is immediate and satisfying. The object blocks the gas from escaping the vent, and within moments, the toxic cloud begins to dissipate. As the air clears, you can press on with your pursuit of the elusive and dangerous Auntie Ethel. green-gas-with-a-highlighted-area-in-BG3.jpg

But what if the dice aren’t in your favor? What if you fail the Perception check? Don’t despair! There’s still hope, though it requires a bit more creativity and resource management. Here’s an alternative strategy you can employ:

  1. Use a fire spell on the fumes. This might seem counterintuitive, but trust me – it works. The flames will spread quickly, engulfing the area in a controlled inferno.
  2. Next, throw an object on the vent at random. You might not be able to see the vent, but with a bit of luck, you’ll manage to block it.
  3. Finally, use a water spell on the burning ground and flames to extinguish the fire. This combination of elements – fire to transform the fumes, an object to block the source, and water to clear the area – will effectively neutralize the threat.

With the fumes cleared, you can continue your relentless pursuit of Auntie Ethel, ready to face whatever other challenges she might throw your way. Now, some daring (or impatient) players might be tempted to try a more direct approach: running as fast as possible through the fumes, then chugging healing potions or casting curative spells once they’re clear of the gas. While this method can work in a pinch, I strongly advise against it. Remember, your confrontation with Auntie Ethel looms on the horizon, and it’s no walk in the park. You’ll need every spell slot and every potion you can muster to stand a chance against her formidable powers. Wasting resources on a mad dash through toxic gas could leave you vulnerable when you need your strength the most.

In conclusion, whether fortune favors you with a successful Perception check or challenges you with a failed one, you now have multiple strategies at your disposal to clear the Noxious Fumes in the Overgrown Tunnel in Baldur’s Gate 3. Each method has its merits, and the best choice may depend on your party composition, available resources, and personal playstyle. Whichever path you choose, remember that overcoming this obstacle brings you one step closer to confronting Auntie Ethel and unraveling the mysteries that lie ahead in your grand adventure.