What is a Warm-up and How to Complete it in CS:GO?
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At the beginning of each game, users are allowed to warm up a bit and start real rounds in their best shape. To do this, users are given a few minutes before the start of the first round, when all settings are turned off and it is safe to shoot at each other. Previously, the warm-up was longer and represented an opportunity to practice with all players at once. Now some maps have added the ability to play one-on-one with a player from the opposing team. Not everyone in CSGO knows the “warmup end” command, so we have created some useful material about it.

How to Use the “end warmup” Command in CS:GO
The first thing you need to configure is the console to open. You should go to the settings of the game account and select the appropriate button. It is best to set the opening on the squiggle, which is the standard button to open the console.
After that, the command to skip the CSGO warm-up is written as follows:
- First, you should use the tilde or other key to open the console before starting or at the beginning of the game round.
- Next, you need to enter a certain command. In CSGO to skip the warmup you need to insert “mp_warmup_end” without the quotes.
- After that, you need to press Enter, so that the command is executed and you can start playing immediately without waiting for the warm-up for all players to finish.
At the same time, the waiting time will end completely when you log into the game, so the match can start in just a few seconds. This is a direct approach to solving this problem, but there are a few additional parameters that can also be configured. Let’s tell you about the optional CSGO warmup time commands.
How to End CS:GO warp-up After Enough Users Have Joined
You do not want to play on the server all alone, so most often players need to configure the number of users separately. Once all the right people enter the server warm-up will automatically end and you can start an active match. Most often it is not necessary to wait for all users to log in, so you can set a certain minimum number of required users on the server, which will log in at the same time.
The restriction will take effect as soon as you enter the command, so you should just follow the previous instruction to open the console. After that, you should write “mp_endwarmup_player_count @”. Instead of @ you need to put the required number of users, after entering which the warm-up will officially end and the game will start.
We hope that we answered the question of how to end warmup in CS GO, and now you can enjoy the game together with your friends or random people from the internet. After all, waiting for 5–10 minutes during practice rounds can add up to a long time and even lead to the disconnection of users. Not everyone has so much time to play multiplayer games.

A Suitable Command to Change Warmup Time CS:GO
Another useful way to complete a training session is to change the timing of the rounds. More often than not, just a minute or 30 seconds is enough, which will greatly reduce the waiting time. To use such a command you will need:
- Open the game console with the tilde.
- Enter the command “mp_warmuptime *” and choose the amount of time you need for warming up instead of the asterisk. Specify in seconds.
- Then type “Enter” and the game will start within the strictly defined limits.
Some users ask how to skip the warmup in a CSGO private match. Here, you just have to use a separate command “mp_do_warmup_offine 0”, which will end the warmup process. You can only turn it on again if you replace zero with one. This allows you to quickly start a real game with bots from the developers and not to waste extra time on warming up, which you may not need at all.
Now you Know all About How Skip Warmup CS:GO
The warm-up process is a useful feature that allows players to approach real matches responsibly and start the game in their strongest form. That said, experts recommend using bot mode or DM matches to warm up, which do not force you to wait for the end of each round. This is a convenient way to improve your game skills and start shooting better.
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