What are the Overpass map positions in CS:GO
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The official Counter Strike: Global Offensive map pool consists of seven maps. These are the ones available to professional teams in official tournaments. One of the classic locations that has never been removed from the list after the release of the new version is CSGO Overpass Map. What’s more, we should say that the map itself lent itself to only minimal changes, which had almost no effect on one side’s chances of ultimate success.

Why this location continues to be actively used by both professional players and amateurs, who go to the presented multiplayer shooter in order to have fun? Perhaps the key factor influencing the success of the Overpass map is the visual component. In fact, it is an ordinary city, which may somewhat resemble the settlement in which the gamer is. For example, there is also a playground, and some family just recently celebrated a birthday, as evidenced by the balloons. The fact that the battle between the two teams takes place on different levels is also of interest. For example, A Site is much higher above the ground than B Site.
The large number of positions available within this location led to the fact that players quite quickly came up with their names. Therefore, to increase the chances of success, the player must learn most of the Overpass callouts. As a result, it will help to share with teammates up-to-date information about which point should take each player. Also, with constant practice, the user will learn in a short time only by the sounds to understand where this or that opponent is. This will make it possible to analyze the probable vector of the enemy team’s actions in a short time.
What Names for the Points the Players Came Up With

This map was added to the map almost 10 years ago, so it is not surprising that active users have long come up with a name for almost every meter of the location. With Overpass callouts 2022 you can greatly diversify the process, thereby finding a way out of almost any situation that arises on the map. To date, there are the following positions about which it is important for players to know:
- A Site, B Site – places to lay the bomb on the attacking side, in turn, the defense should not let the enemies to do this.
- T Spawn, CT Spawn – the zone in which the sides start the round. For example, the counter-terrorists are initially at the A Site, this is one of the few cases where the defense does not need to make any extra moves to make it happen.
- Bank – the area adjacent to the A Site, if the opponent has already managed to plant the bomb, the counter-terrorists are likely to try to get to it through this point.
- Van – the container located directly next to the exit from the Bank.
- Bins – a parallel position to the Bank, more open in terms of the actions of the defending side’s representative acting within the framework of disarming the bomb.
- B Long – from the name it is already clear that this is a longer approach to the A Site. It is used by players planning to perform a complex maneuver to get to the lay point.
- Often used by the special forces sniper to stop, or slow down the enemy.
- A Short is parallel to the Long side. It is available to the player through the Middle, or using the Connector.
- Flowers – the position between the Short and A Site. It is used by terrorists when the opponents are trying to disarm the bomb from the Bank side, as the only option to kill the enemy is to hit him in the head.
- Toilets – This is actually a building that is a passageway between Short and Long. It is divided into classic Toilets and Long Toilets. After the name is due to the fact that the exit from the area is located in close proximity to the Long position. The Connector is one of the most difficult positions. Counter-terrorists should definitely occupy it if they do not want to let the enemy easily reach the Middle, or closer to the B Site.
- The Lower Tunnels and Upper Tunnels are the room directly connected to the Connector. The presented two positions are connected with each other by a staircase that can be descended from the side of the T Spawn.
- Water is an area located after exiting the Connector. It should be exited as carefully as possible, as it is viewed from several positions at once.
- Boost – a place where two defensive players can hook each other, thereby adding creativity to their team. Thus, they can view Monster and Connector.
- Monster is one of the approaches to the B Site, so named because of the graffiti painted on the aisle. Often used by terrorists to implement quick rounds, where they use pistols and submachine guns. Among all Overpass CSGO callouts it is the one used most often by players.
- Barrels is one of the best defensive positions on the B Site. It provides an excellent view of the Monster. In this case it’s necessary to use Molotov cocktail to smoke the enemy.
- Heaven – The second floor of the building from which the sniper can monitor the B Site.
- Pit – is a space that is under the Heaven, the player who is in this area is in the open space, and therefore must have a good shooting.
- Playground – a place located in close proximity to Middle and Long. Named because of the fact that there are swings and children’s slides. In fact, it is the Overpass upper park. It is rarely used by the participants of the battle, and therefore you can relax a little while being here.
- Fountain is a point adjacent to Middle. Essentially connects Upper Tunnels and Mid.
- Party – The rest of the fun after a birthday party. The view of this point is from the Connector.
- Rock is a low block that is located on Long.
How Long Does it Take to Get Familiar With Overpass Callouts
In structure and features, this location resembles Canals callouts. There, too, the map is connected to the city streets.
Of course, if the player is just starting to actively use this location for the game, he will need some time to get used to the various points on the map. To do this, it is desirable to initially train your level of the game, using the mode against bots. In addition, Overpass callouts CSGO can be studied, thanks to the videos that are published in the public domain.
As a result, when a player starts rating matchmaking, or this map will come across him on FaceIt, he will be ready to provide his teammates with all the necessary information for a successful game.