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Lethal Company v55 – All New Monsters

Lethal Company v55 – All New Monsters

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The Lethal Company v55 update introduces two new entities to the game’s already impressive roster of threats. One of these new lethal company monsters prowls the outdoor areas, while the other lurks within the confines of the Facility. Unlike the versatile Masked Mimic, these new enemies are restricted to their respective areas, adding a layer of predictability to their potential locations. The new outdoor entity joins the ranks of the Tulip Snake, making its home on moons with abundant plant life. Similar to other Facility-dwelling creatures, the newly added Barber tends to spawn in the deeper recesses of the labyrinthine structure, with its spawn rate varying depending on which moon you’re exploring. Let’s take a closer look at these two new lethal company monsters: the Kidnapper Fox (also known as the Bush Wolf) and the Barber (alternatively called the Clay Surgeon).

Kidnapper Fox

overhead-view-of-the-kidnapper-fox-in-lethal-company.jpg The first new monster lethal company players will encounter is the Kidnapper Fox, listed as the Bush Wolf in the game’s Bestiary. This peculiar creature is a fox-like entity with a distinctly flat appearance, a twisted head, and frog-like attack patterns. The Kidnapper Fox employs a cunning strategy, concealing itself within the v55 update’s new plant life—the Vain Shroud. These weeds resemble spiky red bushes and serve as the perfect camouflage for this predator. In areas where Vain Shrouds grow in clusters, multiple Kidnapper Foxes can spawn, creating a densely populated danger zone on the map. These crafty creatures patiently hide within the bushes, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush unsuspecting players.

When confronted by a Kidnapper Fox, players can defend themselves by striking its extended tongue with a weapon if grabbed. However, this is easier said than done, as the Fox employs evasive maneuvers, moving in a sideways pattern to dodge attacks. It often retreats to the safety of the Vain Shroud, only to emerge again for another kidnapping attempt. For those brave enough to take on this new lethal company monster head-on, it takes seven solid hits with a Shovel to permanently dispatch a Kidnapper Fox. The introduction of the Kidnapper Fox adds a new layer of tension to outdoor exploration. Players must now be extra vigilant when navigating areas with abundant plant life, as what appears to be harmless vegetation could be concealing a deadly predator. This new monster in Lethal Company forces teams to adapt their strategies, potentially assigning lookouts or using equipment to detect hidden threats.


front-shot-of-the-barber-clay-surgeon-in-lethal-company.jpg The second new entity, the Barber, presents a different kind of challenge. This lethal company new monster is a master of stealth, only becoming visible when in close proximity to the player. The Barber’s movement pattern is distinctive: it executes small jumps in the player’s direction every three seconds. Its presence is primarily signaled by a sporadic trumpet audio cue or a clanging sound when nearby. This unique audio signature is crucial for survival, as visually locating the Barber is incredibly challenging without putting oneself at grave risk.

The Barber’s attack pattern is both simple and deadly. It can only jump in a straight line and is limited to a one-meter radius. The direction of its impending jump is indicated by its giant scissors, which point towards its intended target. Being caught in the direct path of these scissors results in instant death, cutting the player in half and sending them straight into spectator mode or back to orbit.

To survive an encounter with the Barber, players must listen carefully for its audio cue—a quiet drumroll followed by a single trumpet toot. This sound not only reveals the Barber’s direction but also indicates how close it is, allowing players to gauge the threat without visual confirmation. In terms of durability, the Barber appears to be indestructible, similar to the Coil-Head. Its mechanical audio cues and limited visibility make it a formidable foe that should be treated with extreme caution. The recommended strategy when encountering a Barber is simple yet crucial: run for your life. Unlike some other entities in the game, the Barber cannot be killed, making avoidance the only viable tactic.

The introduction of the Barber to the Facility’s deeper levels adds a new dimension of horror to indoor exploration. Its ability to remain hidden until it’s almost too late creates moments of intense suspense, forcing players to rely on their hearing and quick reflexes to survive. This new monster in Lethal Company emphasizes the importance of team communication and awareness, as alerting teammates to the Barber’s presence could mean the difference between a successful mission and a disastrous outcome.

driving-the-company-cruiser-in-lethal-company.jpg In conclusion, the v55 update of Lethal Company, while smaller in scope, significantly enhances the game’s challenge and unpredictability with these two new entities. The Kidnapper Fox transforms outdoor areas into potential ambush sites, while the Barber turns the Facility’s corridors into a deadly game of hide-and-seek. Both new lethal company monsters require players to adapt their strategies, heighten their awareness, and work even more closely as a team to survive. As players encounter these new threats, they’ll need to quickly learn their behaviors and develop effective countermeasures, adding fresh excitement and tension to every expedition in Lethal Company.