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How to approach the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma

How to approach the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma

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The Stolen Throne is a captivating story quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 that challenges players with its enigmatic objectives. One of the most perplexing tasks within this quest is to “approach the false Sovran,” but the game provides only the vaguest of hints about the false Sovran’s whereabouts and how to go about this approach. This objective has left many gamers scratching their heads, desperately seeking a solution to progress in their adventure.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is renowned for its unique approach to quest design. Unlike many modern RPGs that hold the player’s hand with constant waypoints and markers, this game embraces a more old-school philosophy. It challenges players to use their wits, observation skills, and deductive reasoning to navigate its complex world and unravel its mysteries. While this approach can be refreshing and immersive, it occasionally veers into frustratingly obscure territory. The “Approach the false Sovran” objective in The Stolen Throne quest is a prime example of when the game perhaps takes this hands-off approach a step too far.

The Stolen Throne: How to approach the false Sovran in DD2

wilhemina-in-dragons-dogma-2.jpg As you delve deeper into The Stolen Throne quest, you’ll quickly realize that several aspects of this objective are confusing, starting with the wording itself. After completing the quest, it becomes clear that you don’t actually “approach the false Sovran” in the literal sense. Instead, your true objective is far more clandestine and intriguing.

The Real Objective: Finding the Secret Door

What the game really wants you to do is find a secret door. This hidden entrance leads to a secluded area where you can secretly observe the false Sovran without directly approaching them. This subtle distinction is crucial but never explicitly stated, leaving many players feeling lost and unsure of how to proceed.

Prerequisites: Masquerade Preparations

dark-corridor-in-dragons-dogma-2.jpg Before you can even attempt to approach the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you need to complete several prerequisite steps. By the time you reach this stage of the quest, you should have acquired the following items:

  1. The Eventide Mask
  2. The Courtly Breeches
  3. The Courtly Tunic

These items can be obtained either through The Ornate Box quest or through other means within the game. Once you have these in your possession, you’ll finally be able to gain entry to the much-anticipated Masquerade event.

The Masquerade: A Dead End?

hidden-passage-in-dragons-dogma-2.jpg Upon entering the Masquerade ballroom, many players find themselves at a loss. The room is filled with masked revelers, but none of them appear to be the elusive false Sovran. This is where the quest’s vague instructions can lead to frustration. What are you supposed to do next? Where is this false Sovran you’re meant to approach?

The Easy-to-Miss Clue

The game does provide a clue, but it’s so subtle and fleeting that many players miss it entirely. When you first enter the Masquerade ballroom, a brief cutscene plays. In this scene, you’ll see someone walking along the corridor that encircles the ballroom. This seemingly insignificant detail is actually the game’s attempt to guide you towards the solution. Unfortunately, it’s so easy to overlook or misinterpret that it often fails to serve its purpose.

Timing is Everything: The Importance of Nightfall

If you didn’t witness the aforementioned cutscene upon arriving at the Masquerade, don’t worry - you’re not alone. Many players, myself included, made the mistake of visiting the ballroom during daylight hours. To trigger the correct sequence of events, you need to come back at night. Here’s what to do:

  1. Leave the castle
  2. Find a safe spot to rest
  3. Use the “doze off” option to pass time until nightfall
  4. Return to the Masquerade

With this simple adjustment, everything should fall into place, allowing you to progress in your quest to approach the false Sovran in DD2.

Uncovering the Secret: Following the Corridor

Once you’re at the Masquerade at the correct time, it’s time to put your detective skills to work. Follow the corridor that runs around the back of the ballroom. As you make your way along this path, keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Eventually, you’ll come across a section of the wall that looks suspiciously like a door. This is your moment of triumph! Push against this section of the wall, and it will give way, revealing a hidden room beyond. You’ve successfully uncovered the secret door - a major step in your mission to approach the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

The Path to the False Sovran

Your journey isn’t over yet. Once you’ve entered the secret room, look for a set of double doors. Go through these doors and you’ll find yourself on a walkway. Follow this walkway as it descends to the right. This path will lead you to an area called the Bordelrie.

The Moment of Truth: Spying on the False Sovran

Upon reaching the Bordelrie, you’ll trigger a lengthy cutscene. During this scene, you’ll finally get the opportunity to spy on the false Sovran. This is the culmination of your efforts to “approach” the false Sovran - not by directly confronting them, but by secretly observing their actions and conversations.

Completing The Stolen Throne Quest

After the cutscene concludes, your final task is straightforward. Simply return to Captain Brant and report your findings. With this, you’ll successfully complete The Stolen Throne quest, having unraveled the mystery of how to approach the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

In conclusion, while the “Approach the false Sovran” objective in The Stolen Throne quest can be frustratingly vague, it showcases the unique and challenging quest design that makes Dragon’s Dogma 2 stand out in the RPG genre. By following these steps and paying close attention to the subtle clues provided, you can overcome this obstacle and continue your epic adventure in the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2.