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Hints for September 16 - Answer to Contexto 729

Hints for September 16 - Answer to Contexto 729

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Contexto is a highly intellectual word game that challenges players to discover the designated word of the day by determining the level of similarity between their guessed words and the actual word. This is achieved through an extensive analysis of numerous texts to identify commonalities among words.

Guidelines for Playing Contexto

To engage with Contexto, simply type in a word in the designated text box that first comes to your mind. Once you have entered your guess, it will be displayed under the text box accompanied by a number and a color-coded bar that can be either red, yellow, or green. The lower the number associated with your guessed word, the more closely it is connected to the current solution for Contexto. Conversely, a higher number indicates a less accurate guess.

Hence, in case your prediction is accurate, as shown by a low numerical value and a green-colored bar, it is advisable to continue guessing words that are similar in meaning. For instance, if “internet” is highlighted in green, potential alternatives could be “connection” or “computer.”

On the other hand, if the number is high and the color is red, it may be beneficial to switch things up. In this scenario, if the word “internet” is marked in red, alternatives such as “dog” or “eyes” could be explored.

Hints for Context 729 (September 16th)


The solution to the Contexto riddle for September 16, Contexto 729, is related to cuisine and elements. “Water” served as a successful first word, with “food” as a fitting continuation, leading me to the top 20. Afterwards, I attempted to guess specific foods and beverages, but none of them yielded a higher result.


Popular items such as “Bread,” “coffee,” and “tea” were included in the list of top 200, but it was the inclusion of other ingredients that ultimately led me to the solution. “Syrup,” “fat,” and “sweet” were all ranked highly, but for a clue, I recommend considering a widely used ingredient in desserts or any sweet dish. If you are still unable to guess, I will be surprised!

Answers Context (September 16)

The answer to Contexto 729 is SUGAR. Guessing “carbohydrate,” “fructose,” “starch,” “syrup,” or “flour” will bring you close. Other ingredients were also popular, but sugar was the most commonly used ingredient in the top 10 today. Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s solution!


Previous Responses to Contexto

The solutions to the latest Contexto puzzles are provided here. If desired, you can utilize the game’s settings to revisit them.

  • Context 728: Integrated Circuit
  • Context 727: Landmark
  • Context 726: Agreement
  • Context 725: Elk
  • Context 724: Field
  • Context 723: List of Items
  • Context 722: Bird of Prey
  • Context 721: Small-Scale
  • Context 720: Enchantment
  • Context 719: Classic

