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Which Valorant Spectre Skins to Choose

Which Valorant Spectre Skins to Choose

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Valorant has become one of the most popular shooters of the last two years. It has taken the best from CS:GO and Overwatch, becoming a unique phenomenon in the gamer community. Not surprisingly, the skin collections that are released from time to time immediately become the highlight of the season. They are carefully developed in terms of design and special effects, adding a special atmosphere to gameplay.

The main thing in any shooter is the weapon. They come in short-range and long-range versions and in various modifications. One of the main elements of ammunition is the Spectre submachine gun. The valorant spectre skins are offered so players can diversify its appearance. This article will look into the features of some of them and make a spectre skins valorant tier list.

What is Spectre? Its Properties and Features

The Spectre is an inexpensive submachine gun. It has good aim, low recoil, and average penetration. Thanks to its silencer, Spectre allows for quiet attacks without drawing unwanted attention. 

This submachine gun has a big ammo bank. However, it runs out of ammo very quickly due to the low damage level. It is excellent at close range with an opponent without powerful armor. It is the best solution for a low budget, however, it is worth considering a more powerful firearm after a couple of rounds.

Characteristics of the Spectre submachine gun include:

  • load: 30 rounds and 90 rounds in reserve;
  • wall penetration: medium;
  • rate of fire: 12–13.33 rounds/sec;
  • approach in a complementary type of fire: x1.15;
  • range: 0–50 m (0–164 ft.);
  • body damage: 22–26;
  • damage to the head: 66–78;
  • damage to the legs: 18–22.

The Spectre is quite affordable and costs 1,600 VP.

Best Spectre Skins Valorant

Experienced gamers know that all spectre skins valorant are classified into tiers. The classification makes it possible to quickly determine the value of cosmetics without a detailed study of all the characteristics. Every player wants to look cooler than others, so they strive for premium skins. Nevertheless, a lot of budget skins allow them to create a unique image. 

There are three tiers of spectre skins:

  • Select — regular skins priced at 875 VP;
  • Premium — improved skins, which are more expensive due to added special effects. They cost 1,775 VP;
  • Exclusive — rare accessories, which are difficult to obtain and expensive to buy. They cost 2,175 VP.

Unlike in other games, the spectre skins valorant price is always fixed, so you cannot wait and buy cheaper. Here are the 10 best spectre skins that are particularly popular.

Spectre | RGX 11z Pro

RGX 11z Pro Spectre Thanks to its futuristic design, the skin introduces the player to the foreground and makes him or her noticeable. Several colors are available. There is also a kill counter, which is reflected on the back of the firearm. When using the weapon, colorful special effects are activated. The price for such a skin is 2,175 VP.

Spectre | G.U.N.

G.U.N Spectre This is a great choice if you prefer to play a retro blaster with appropriate squeaking sounds. There’s something appealing about it, especially if you choose the right color. There are basic turquoise and chrome colors, as well as combinations of black and yellow, and red, white, and blue. This budget skin enables VFX and SFX without animation or other options.

Spectre | Forsaken

Forsaken Spectre This is an amazing skin in terms of design. It features a metal carved body with ornate patterns. The skin is available in dark green and white-gold, which can be upgraded for 15 Radianite points. The skin pleases with shot and reload animations. It costs 1,775 VP, and belongs to the Premium edition.

Spectre | Radiant Crisis 001

Radiant Crisis 001 Spectre This is a skin with cartoon graphics and scripted sounds, as is common in comic books. The style is unusual and original. It features a finisher and an affordable price of 1,775 VP. The gray-blue shade is the only one available, there is no color change option.

Spectre | BlastX

BlastX Spectre If you prefer blasters with rubber bullets, this is the skin for you. It’s perfect with absolutely everything: design, detailing, special effects, and sound. There are four color schemes to choose from: green-purple, black-blue, yellow-blue, and pink-purple. You will be surprised by the package when you select this weapon, which also appears when you kill an enemy — it is packaged in a gift box.

Spectre | Protocol 781-A

Protocol 781-A Spectre This is the only skin that will make your weapon talk. The firearm reacts to what’s going on in combat rounds, giving out original commentary — even in a female voice if needed. The colorful black and red design is just an addition to the functionality. A robot appears during the last kill of the round and patrols the location. The cost of the skin is 2,475 points.

Spectre | Magepunk

Magepunk Spectre This famous series has not ignored the Spectre. The copper-jacketed flamethrower with a lightning bolt in the tip is one of the most elegant in the game. The moving elements bring realism to the skin. It comes in basic copper coloring. There are upgrades available in green, purple, orange, and VFX. The skin price is affordable: 1,775 VP.

Spectre | Recon

Recon Spectre This well-known series has made sure to have a skin for Spectre. This is a clean special-forces item without unnecessary details. It will make you look great in the defense. The lack of bright colors makes the skin more robust. You can improve the skin for a change; the randomizer provides one of the additions: flashlight, rails, sight, or different grips.

Spectre | Prime

Prime Spectre This is one of the best skins in terms of both design and special effects. You can choose from four colors: gold, blue, yellow and white, and orange with a few others. You will be impressed with the finisher where the wolf appears, bites the victim, and bursts out. MVP is there by default, but VFX, SFX, animation, and GFX are also available. The price is quite affordable: 1,775 VP.

Spectre | Neptune

Neptune Spectre Here the water element is very skillfully implemented and depicted. The transparent case allows you to watch the fish swimming inside as if in an aquarium. Furthermore, the sound of the shot is also appropriate, resembling the squelch of water or the clap of the bullet underwater. The gamer has three options to improve and two options to choose from. The cost of the skin is 1,775 VP or $23.